Journal Forms and Templates


Noteworthy, respected researchers: Please consider the Article Processing Charges article before submitting

According to the regulation "Determining the cost of articles in open access scientific publications" issued by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in letter V/16042 dated 2021  April  21.

There is no charge for the initial collection and scientific evaluation of articles.

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If the article is accepted, the amount of 2,000,000 Rials will be charged to cover the costs of refereeing, editing, page layout...

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To respect the efforts of the esteemed reviewers of the journal and the esteemed members of the editorial board, no fee will be charged for the publication of an article that is the first author or the responsible author.

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Food Engineering Research Journal

Scientific-research articles in the technical and engineering fields of the food engineering, which are written in Persian and have not been published before or sent for publication in a journal or other publication formats, are accepted for review. The scientific journal of Food Engineering Research accepts articles in the following fields:


  • Post-harvest, storage, packaging and transport technologies of agricultural and livestock products
  • Processing and valorization of residues and agro-industrial by products
  • Methods of reducing the waste of agricultural products
  • Processing of agricultural, livestock and food products
  • Other items related to food engineering

   Also, the compilation, review or analysis articles prepared by expert researchers in this field will be published in the form of technical notes or review articles after review and approval by the editorial board.

The author (or authors) is responsible for the scientific content presented in each article. The order of the authors' names will be the responsibility of the correspondent and the correspondence will be done with him. The journal is free to reject or accept and modify the articles, and the received articles will not be returned. The magazine is allowed to publish content electronically, online or intranet (by mentioning the source).

Documents required to register the article

The documents required to register an article for review and judging consist of five files including; The specification sheet is the authors' commitment form, the conflict of interest form, the fee payment slip and the original article. It is necessary to upload and send these files exclusively through the magazine's dedicated website ( It is recommended to reduce the size of the sent files as much as possible. The specifications and content of each of the mentioned files will be as follows:

- Cover letter and author affiliations

This part is prepared on a separate page and includes the title of the article, the name and surname and scientific rank of the author (or authors), full address, telephone number, telephone number, e-mail address, and the source from which the article was extracted. (student thesis, research plan, etc.) The specification sheet of the article must be submitted in both Persian and English languages.


-Writers' commitment form

The author's commitment form includes a request for review of the article from the editor, declaration of compliance with the conditions of the journal in editing the article, declaration of non-printing or submission for publication in other publications, list of authors' names in order and signature of the authors, and details of the responsible author.

3- The conflict of interest form of the authors

The conflict of interest form is an agreement in which the author(s) of an article declare that in connection with the publication of the article presented in full the ethics of publication, including plagiarism, misconduct, falsification of data or submission and double publication have been avoided, and there are no commercial interests in this regard, and the authors have not received any money for presenting their work. The conflict of interest form shows the readers of the work how the text of the article was prepared and presented by the authors. The responsible author signs and approves this form on behalf of other authors and declares the originality of its content. The responsible author also declares that this work has not been published elsewhere and has not been submitted to another publication at the same time. Also, all rights to use the content, tables, images, etc. have been assigned to the publisher.

4- Payment copy

Please act according to the description at the beginning of the file.

5- The original file of the article

The original of the article in Microsoft Word file format on A4 paper on 15 pages with a line spacing of one centimeter and a margin of 3.8 cm from the top and 2.5 cm from the left and right and at the bottom of the page with the Persian font of Nazanin (B Nazanin). , size 13, be prepared. This file contains the full title, without mentioning the name and details of the author (or authors), Persian abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, references used, abstract and keywords in English. . In naming the file, choose the name or any other characteristic of the authors, such as the name of the university or city, etc., strictly avoid. The characteristics and requirements of each of the main sections of the article will be as follows.


- Title

 The title should be short (maximum 25 words), expressive, comprehensive, and express the content of the article.


- Persian abstract

The Persian abstract (max. 250 words) expresses the hypothesis, the purpose of the research, a brief description of the materials and methods, the main results obtained, and the overall conclusion of the research.


- Keywords

Keywords will consist of three to five separate or compound words and are to show the nature and tendency of the subject of the article during classification in information systems. Use words and phrases as keywords that are not used in the title of the article. Keywords must be arranged in alphabetical order.


-Extended Abstract

The extended English abstract includes introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment and key words, which are given at the end of the article according to the format of the journal (in the authors' guide section). The extended abstract will be requested from the respected authors after the final acceptance of the article.



In this section, the subject of the research should be introduced, the importance and necessity of the problem should be clearly stated. It is also necessary to refer to the most important research works and previous experiences regarding the topic of the article and to review their results. In the following, the necessity of the desired research should be explained and the purpose of the present study should be specified.


-Materials and methods

This part includes a complete description of the materials and methods used in the research. In the case of common and well-known methods, it is enough to mention the relevant source. It is necessary to mention the technical specifications and exact scientific and commercial names of materials and devices as well as the criteria used. It is very important to use test equipment and tools and standard methods. In special cases, it is necessary to mention reasons and technical and scientific justification.


- Results and discussion

This section includes the results of the research in the form of text(s), table(s), figure(s) and image(s). In this part, the causes and relationships between them in creating the results are discussed using other scientific sources. It is necessary to prepare the tables and figures with appropriate size and high quality, the figures are readable, and the obvious changes in the curves are prepared with the International System of Measurement (SI) units. Write the title of the table above and the title of the figure below. The title of the table or figure should be brief and tell the relationship between the factors discussed in the table or figure. The results of statistical investigations should be reflected in one of the scientific methods in the table(s), except in cases where it is necessary to mention the figures in raw form. Wherever a table or figure is referred to, that table or figure must be shown immediately, except in the necessary cases, which will be presented in the appendices section as the case may be. Numbers, scales, and units should be written in Farsi in the text of the article and in the tables and figures. Original drawing works or in computer format and compatible with Word (Word) with suitable quality for printing. It is not necessary to repeat the tables, figures, etc. when expressing the results.


This part includes a final conclusion, a summary of the research, and mention of the possible application (or applications) of the subject under investigation. The items and materials presented in this section as a conclusion must necessarily be based on the results of the research and general and general materials should be avoided. Authors can also provide suggestions for further research.


In this section (if desired), individuals, legal entities, organizations, and institutions effective in conducting the research are appreciated.

  -References (all references are compiled in English.)

1- All the references mentioned in the text of the article should be listed in the list of references and after the text. The authors are obliged to bring the specifications of the references either in this section or in the text of the article correctly and in accordance with the specifications that can be seen in each of the sources.

2- In the text of the article, only the name of the author (or authors) and the year of publication of the reference should be mentioned. (do not mention as a number)

Example: (Razavi, 2003), (Regier & Schubert, 2001)

3- If the reference has more than two authors, the name of the first person should be mentioned along with "et al.", but the names of all authors should be included in the list of references.

Example: (Budiman et al., 1999)

4- The references should be sorted alphabetically by the names of the authors. If an author has several articles in one year, they should be adjusted by adding the letters a, b, and...

5- Persian references should be translated into English and the phrase (in Persian) should be written at the end.

6- Use the following method to sort references.

 A- Monograph

Warrick, A. W. 1988. Additional solutions for steady-state evaporation from a shallow water table. Soil Sci. 146, 63-66.

B- Two or more authors

Kouchakzadeh, S. and Bagheri, F. 2003. Determination of roughness coefficient for corrugated drainage pipes based on real flow conditions. J. Agric. Sci. 34(3): 681-692. (in Persian)

Budiman, M., McBratney, A. B. and Bristow, K. L. 1999. Comparison of different approaches to the development of pedoransfer functions for water-retention curves. Geoderma. 29, 225-253.

  P- Book

Bell, B. 1996. Farm Machinery. Farming Press Books & Videos. Miller Freeman Professional Ltd. UK.

T- A chapter of the book

Regier, M. and Schubert, H. 2001. Microwave Processing. In: Richardson, P. (Ed.) Thermal Technologies in Food Processing. CRC Press. N. Y. 178-208.

 If the number of authors of the chapter is more than one person, use (Eds.) instead of (Ed.).

D- Collection of conference articles

Tabatabaeefar, A. 2001. Physical properties of Iranian export apple. Proceedings of the 12th Conference of PMA. Aug. 8-12. Prague - CZK. 285-300.

C- Compact disc of the collection of articles (CD)

Only the word CD should be given before Proceeding or collection of articles.

If an article is in print, use "in press" or "in press" instead of the word publisher.

C- Dissertation or research report

Fazel-Niari, Z. 2002. Developing design and construction of three point hitch dynamometer. M.Sc. Thesis. Faculty of Agriculture. Theran University. Karaj. Iran. (in Persian)

Razavi, R. 2003. Wheat sensitivity rate determination to water in different growth stages. Research Report. No. 451. West Azarbayjan Agricultural Research Center. (in Persian)

  - Abstract in English

The English abstract must have a concept equivalent to the Persian abstract and must be set in a maximum of 250 words.

- Keywords in English

These words are equivalent to "Persian keywords" in English.

Please pay attention to these things when preparing the article:

The names and details of the Farsi and English authors should be prepared on a separate page and the main article should be prepared and sent without the titles of the authors.

Maximum article pages should not exceed 15 pages.

     The article should have a coherent structure and include the sections of abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgments, references and extended abstract in English.

      If there are diagrams in the article, it is necessary to include the diagrams in the article in such a way that it is possible to edit, and the corresponding Excel file should also be sent.

     It is necessary to write all the descriptions of the axes and all the units in the charts in both Persian and English, and the numbers of the axes in the tables and charts should be written in English.

     Units in the text of the article must be written in Farsi.

     If the English equivalent is used for the words or phrases in the text, it is necessary to write the English equivalent as a footnote.

     The parentheses inside the text should be selected and written based on the type of writing (Persian or English) and refrain from writing Persian parentheses in the English section.


Fonts used in the article:

     Main titles (including abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgments and references): B Titr 11 Bold

     Text of the article: with Persian font B Nazanin 12.5 simple and English Times New Romans 10.5 simple

     Main titles: B Nazanin Bold 12

     Subtitles: B Nazanin Bold 11

     Titles of tables and figures: B Mitra 10 Bold and Times New Roman 9 Bold

     Captions and captions of tables: B Mitra 9 and Times New Roman 8


The editorial board of the scientific research journal "Food Engineering Research" welcomes the guidelines and suggestions of researchers, experts and thinkers to improve the process of reviewing, printing and improving the quality level of the journal.