Document Type : Research Paper
Walnuts are one of the most important nut crops worldwide. The area under cultivation increases every year. In 2008, the Food and Agriculture Organization reported exports of about $17.1 billion. The country of Iran is the 4th largest producer of walnuts in the world. Stages from production to consumption are very important, because the condition and quality of the shelled nutmeats affects the marketable yield. The present study fabricated a single-shelled barrel-typewalnut cracker and assessed it for quality at 4 sizes of nutmeat, 4 rotor speeds, and 4 humidity levels with three replications. The results of statistical analysis found that the best quality nutmeats were achieved at 10% to 14% moisture (level 1), 280 rpm rotor speed, and 55.30-75.31 mm walnut size (Juglans regia).
5, 325, 769.