Document Type : Research Paper


Decreasing water resources has made optimum water allocation in agriculture essential. Planning optimum irrigation and crop production function considering accessible water and growing stage is an efficient approach to increase water productivity. Studies have applied this approach to maximize crop production using the FAO crop production method introduced in 1979. However, the FAO introduced a new method in 2003 that has been rarely studied. The objective of this study is to compare the performance of the two FAO methods in the Zayandh Rud irrigation system using climate information from the 1998 drought in the region. Wheat, barley, sugar beets and potatoes, the region’s main crops, are selected and their production function and temporal pattern of optimum irrigation water by growing stage (10 days of irrigation) are compared. The results show that the new FAO method estimates lower crop yield under water stress; however, the temporal pattern of irrigation depth is smoother and more uniform during the crop growing stages.


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