Document Type : Research Paper
Corresponding Author: Ph.D. Candidate in Department of Agricultural Machinery Engineering, University of Tehran,
Karaj, Iran, Telefax: +98 261 2808138 and +98 261 2801011 Mobile: 09143517477, Email:
Received: 22 September 2010, Accepted: 4 March 2011
Developing alternative technologies for the use of fossil fuels is necessary and inevitable. To meet this
need, the SAPHT project developed an energy-efficient electric hybrid tractor for agricultural light
operations. The energy source for SAPHT was in part solar and the rest was supplied from a grid. This
research compared simulated and experimental field results for SAPHT. The results show that SAPHT is
capable of substituting for I category tractors. Using the designated parameters, SAPHT can operate
standard implements for 2-4 h daily; however, improved use of batteries would make it possible to increase
the daily range more than three fold.