Document Type : Research Paper


Size distribution and frequency of seeds in sunflower samples were investigated for three hybrid oily sunflower varieties (Hysun33‚ Progress and Euroflor) taken from four locations (Aliabad, Golidagh, Kalale and Kalpoosh in Golestan province). The samples were distributed into three groups (large, medium, small) using two screens 14-16 mm in length and 2.75 and 3.75 mm wide. The effects of seed size on the peroxide value, acidity, specific weight and refractive index was evaluated using a completely randomized experimental design with replications. A 8´3´2 factorial design (sunflower sample × seed size × kernel type) was adopted. Kalale Progress and Aliabad Hysun33 samples had the greatest and least number of large seeds, respectively (p<0.05). The Golidagh Euroflor and Golidagh Hysun33 samples had the greatest and least number of small seeds, respectively (p<0.05). Large, medium and small seeds showed significant differences (p<0.05) in their refractive indices; medium seeds had the highest value and large seeds the lowest value (p<0.05). Whole and broken kernels showed significant differences (p<0.01) in their specific weight. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in the peroxide value of extracted oils. The oil content of Golidagh Euroflor, with the greatest percentage, was 61.6% greater than that of Kalpoosh Euroflor, with the lowest.  The results obtained and the effect of Achenes size on extracted oil quality showed that oils should be graded on the basis of their quality characteristics. This could be a guideline for oil refining operations, particularly hydrogenation and the production of oils for frying and salads.


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