Document Type : Research Paper
Effect of calcium chloride on tomato quality and shelf life of Petoearly CH, Koral and Rio Grand tomato cultivars were studied at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of West Azerbaijan, Iran over 2002-2003. A calcium chloride solution in 0,0.5% and 1% concentrations was sprayed on the tomatoes three times. The fruit was harvested at the mature green stage and stored in cold storage at 14°C and 20±2°C (room temperature). The experiment was carried out as a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design. Before storage in two storage areas and during storage, tomato samples were obtained and their quality indicators of brix (TSS), pH, titrable acidity (TA), weight loss and percent of decay were measured at five intervals. The results showed that calcium chloride had a significant effect on the traits, increased shelf life, TSS, acidity and decreased weight loss and percent decay. The Rio Grand cultivar had the longest shelf life and least decay. The tomatoes stored at 14°C had less weight loss and decay and more acidity and shelf life compared to tomatoes stored at room temperature. The shelf life for Rio Grand sprayed with 1% calcium chloride and stored at 14°C and 20±2°Cwere 43 and 19.5 days, respectively.