Document Type : Research Paper


Soil infiltration characteristics affect the design, evaluation and management of furrow irrigation over a
field. On the other hand, different variables influence furrow infiltration, making infiltration modeling for a
field a complex process. This study was conducted to investigate the direct and indirect effects of all
variables affecting furrow infiltration. The blocked furrow method was used to measure furrow infiltration
for a field with soil of sandy loam. Results showed that infiltration time was the most effective variable
affecting cumulative infiltration by directly and significantly affecting furrow infiltration. The relative
contribution of the filtration time to the furrow infiltration was seven times more than the contribution of
the wetted perimeter and 2.5 times that of the flow section area. An additive and nonlinear model was
proposed to describe field-wide cumulative infiltration using the observed data. The proposed model
described approximately 89% of the variation in field-wide cumulative infiltration.


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