Document Type : Research Paper


The aim of this research was to investigate performance of two combined plows compared to conventional plow. The experiments were conducted in a loamy soil texture with moisture content of 16-18% in Karaj region of Iran. Combination of moldboard+chisel plow and disk plow+chisel plow were compared with conventional moldboard plow as three treatments. Data was statistically analyzed using RCBD in three replications. Parameters of penetration resistance, bulk density, mean weight diameter and reversed residue percentage were measured or calculated and then analyzed. The results indicated that bulk density decreased 30.8% by moldboard+chisel plow particularly at depth range of 25-35cm. The results of penetration resistance (CI) confirmed the effect of this treatment on plowpan. Hence this combined machine can be recommended for a field with existing plowpan. Moreover diskplow+chisel treatment created the least clod size (MWD) in shallow soil layer. Therefore it can be recommend for reducing secondary tillage operation. The results of residue reversing noted that disk plow+chisel treatment left maximum of 68% crop residue. Therefore for conservation tillage system with residue reversing concern this combined machine is recommended.


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