Document Type : Research Paper
In order to develop the pasture, soil conservation and increasing the soil infiltration by using the applicable methods such as agricultural machinery and no tillage or minimum tillage system are very important. In this regard, the husk properties as herbal mulch, and also the physical properties of species including Secale montanum, Festuca arundinacea and Bromus tomentellus, were studied. A mulch-planter was designed and then constructed, to place a band of mulch into the soil simply. Also planting seeds for developing of pasture land could provide an appropriate seed bed in the soil. For this purpose, a mechanism was constructed and installed on the machine, which could be able to plant seeds. The other advantage of mulch-planter was attaching to tractor three-point hitch, and used in no tillage system. The results of farm practices showed that using the machine was acceptable. This machine used two levels 1162 and 1744kg/ha of mulch and 6.7 to 18kg/hectare of species seeds. The forward speed of machine was 4km/h and the required energy was low. Three kinds of species, three amounts of mulch, and two depths of seed planting were examined. The results of the agronomic operations and application of mulch-planter with no tillage practices showed that the machine was efficient. At last, analysis of the data including number of growing plants and percentage of plant emerging showed that there was significant difference among factors. Use of mulch on species of Secale montanum seemed to be not advisable.