Document Type : Research Paper


In order to evaluate the physico-chemical properties of new potato varieties and to introduce proper varieties for processing, this study was carried out using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications for two years in Karaj. Seventeen varieties i.e. Jelli, Slani, Burren, Banba, Colombus, Sante, Agria, Akira, Aida, Arkola, Almera, Daisy, Cyclon, Lady Clayer, Lady Rozeta, Melodi, and Lady Florina were investigated.  Dry matter and specific gravity (two weeks after harvest), sugar reduction (two weeks after harvest and two months after storage at 7oC and 85-90 % R.H.) and sensory parameters such as overall acceptability, color and crispiness (two weeks after harvest) were examined. Results revealed that the measured properties were significantly different.  Changes in level of sugar reduction during storage were significantly different for the above varieties.  The highest variation was related to the varieties containing lower level of sugar reduction at harvesting time. Lady Rozeta, Lady Clayer, Daisy, and Akira varieties had higher levels of dry matter while Akira had the highest specific gravity. Specific gravity was significantly correlated with dry matter and texture hardness of potatoes, but the level of reducing sugar was correlated inversely with specific gravity. The results of sensory analysis of chips indicated that Agria, Cyclon, Akira, Colombus and Jelli had the most overall acceptability respectively. Correlations between overall acceptability with the color and crispiness of chips were significantly positive. Overall acceptability showed stronger correlation with crispiness than that of for color. According to the findings of this research, it can be recommended that Jelli, Colombus, Agria varieties are suitable for french fries, Sante is appropriate for chips and Akira, Burren, Banba are good for other applications.


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