Document Type : Research Paper


This field experiment was conducted in order to investigate drainage and nitrogen fertilizer effects on grain yield and oil percentage of rapeseed. The split-plot method in a randomized block design (RCBD) with variety of Hyola 308 in three replications was employed in the paddy field at the north of Iran (Rasht - Rice Research Institute of Iran). Treatments were included three drainage levels (without drain; surface drain with 2m spacing and average depth of 15cm; surface drain with 4m spacing and average depth of 15cm vertical ditches of 1m spacing and average depth of 7cm) and four nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 150, 200 and 250kgN/ha that split as 1/3, 1/3, 1/3). The results indicated that, drainage increased grain yield, oil percentage,nitrogen uptake, nitrogen recovery efficiency. Agronomy efficiency 94.33-97.82%, 2.47-3.88%, 96.55-103.50%, 88.01-125.30% and 104.69-167.18% respectively, but reduces protein percentage 4.21-9.76%. Also, nitrogen fertilizer increases grain yield, protein percentage and nitrogen uptake 199.08-239.60%, 5.31-7.60% and 233.26-292.44% respectively but reduces oil percentage,nitrogen recovery efficiency and agronomy efficiency 0.74-3.35%, 10.24-24.77% and 11.39-21.84% respectively. In general considering all phenomena involved in the paddy fields (environmental problems, soil condition, operational suitability, costs, ...) surface drain with 4m spacing along with nitrogen fertilizer of at least 150kgN/ha can be suggested.


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