Document Type : Research Paper


Control of sedimentation in dam reservoirs is considered to be one of the most important issues in exploitation of dams and increasing the their useful life. Reservoirs act as traps for sediments and prevent transport of sediment to the river. The deposited sediment decreases the capacity of reservoirs so that they can not be in use any more. Various methods dealing with removing part of the deposited sediments are discussed in this study. Regarding fact that flow energy is utilized and no need to employ any external source of energy, flushing method has been used extensively in many projects all over the world. In this study, one-dimensional model in which the continuity equation of sediment solved by the finite difference method using the Cranck-Nickolson scheme has been developed. The developed model was capable to compute the variation of the reservoir bed with time. Also, the accumulated flushed sediment volume and reservoir water volume were calculated at different time steps. The Fortran language used for programming the model based on the results obtained from physical models employed by several investigators. Also a comparison with HEC-6 model was conducted. The verification was verified by using data from the natural reservoir of Dashidaira dam in Japan. The results of the proposed model and the HEC-6 ones were compared with practical measurements data and reliable good agreement was noticeable for the model where it wasn’t with HEC-6 ones.


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