Document Type : Research Paper
In this research, the effect of different storage conditions (cold, semi technical and traditional storages) at 180 days after storage on the qualitative and quantitive properties of garlic populations were investigated. White and pink populations were packaged in wooden boxes and net pockets and factors i. e. weight loss, moisture content, spoilage, firmness and total pyruvic acid were measured monthly. Results showed that difference between weight loss and spoilage of garlic populations in all conditions were significant and their content in semi technical storage was more than cold storage and less than traditional storage. White and pink garlic in cold storage with 13.89 and 16.73% weight loss and 12.1 and 46% spoilage respectively had the least contents and in traditional storage with 25.9 and 47.2% weight loss and 56.3 and 100% spoilage respectively had the most contents. An increase of total pyruvic acid content in both garlic populations except pink population in cold storage was observed at 150 days after storage because of the degradiation of chief flavour component and its content in pink garlic population was more than white garlic population. Firmness of white garlic population decreased during storage but in semi technical and traditional storages, the firmness of pink garlic population increased within 120-180 days because of the drying of clove tissues.