Document Type : Research Paper


Rapeseed contains one of the highest quality oils with balanced components of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. During the 2018-2019 academic year, the Bayekola Agricultural Research Station in Neka City conducted a randomized complete block design experiment with three replications. Factors included planting arrangement in two levels: one-row and two-row; and weed control in seven levels of application of herbicides: Treflan lontral herbicide 1 liter per hectare before planting and mixed with soil; butisan star 2.5 liters per hectare before planting and before emergence of rapeseed and weeds; lontral herbicide 1 liter per hectare in stages of 2 to 4 leaves of weeds; paraquat herbicide 2 liters per hectare in stages of 4 to 6 weed leaves; weed control and without weed control. The results showed that changing the arrangement of planting and application of guided herbicide in two rows increased canola seed protein percentage by 21.31%, linoleic acid by 24.22%, linoleic acid by 10.08%, oil yield and yield of canola by 78.46% and 78.48%, respectively. Also, palmitic acid decreased by 11.06% when application of this treatment was made. Therefore, by managing canola agronomy and adjusting the row spacing to utilize guided herbicide paraquat, in addition to weed control, canola also increased protein content, unsaturated fatty acids, oil yield, and rapeseed grain.


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