Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University

2 seed and plant improvement institute


Today, due to the high consumption of snacks, improving the nutritional properties and improving the quality of these products is very important. On the other hand, the production of these snacks should be considered for patients with gluten intolerance. So, the aim of this study was to investigate rice flour replacement by germinated and non-germinated soybean and millet flour in level of 20% in gluten free doughnut formulation and evaluation physicochemical, textural, visual, sensory properties and shelf life in a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement (P≥0.05). Based on the results, replacing rice flour by germinated and non-germinated soybean and millet in gluten-free doughnut formulation increased the amount of moisture, protein, and fat in the final product, which the effect of soy flour was higher than millet flour. The findings of this study showed that by replacing rice flour by germinated and non-germinated soybean and millet, the special volume and porosity of the product increases, which affects the germinated soy flour more than other additives. The results also showed that the germinated millet flour sample had the lowest firmness in 2 h, 4 and 7 days after production. On the other hand, the results showed the amount of crust L* value decreased and a* value increased. The results also showed by adding germinated and non-germinated soybean and millet, the amount of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of final products were increased, and the effect of germinated millet flour more than other additives. Finally, the sample containing 20% rice flour and 80% germinated millet flour which had desirable quantitative, qualitative, shelf life and sensory properties, was introduced as the best sample.


Main Subjects

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