Document Type : Research Paper



For preventing the production of reducing sugars during cold stress in potatoes, this project was implemented using a factorial experiment in the form of a completely randomized design in 3 repetitions. The treatments were: two potato varieties (Agria and Fontin), antifreeze agents (spraying calcium solution (1.5 liters per hectare), potassium (5 kilos per hectare of potassium sulfate dissolved in water), Delfan Plus amino acid composition (1 liters per hectare) and ascorbic acid (one per thousand) and no foliar spraying treatment (control treatment)) and six months of storage. The foliar spraying was carried out on the 12th of October and the 5th of October 2018 according to the forecast of cold weather in Jalga Rukh region. After harvesting, the potatoes were stored in a technical warehouse at a temperature of 8 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 98-95% for 6 months. Once every two months, moisture content, weight loss, reducing sugar, ash, texture and color analysis (determining the characteristics *a, *L, *b) were measured. The use of antifreeze agents decreased reducing sugars and color characteristics *a and ∆E and increased *b and *L during 6 months of storage. The positive effect of the application of anti-freezing substances in the production of reducing sugars was by maintaining the physical properties of potatoes such as the hardness of its texture. The lowest amount of reducing sugars was found in Agria cultivar and in the amino acids treatment (380/100 g/mg) and the highest amount in Fontin cultivar (20/24/100 g/mg).


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