Document Type : Research Paper


1 Academic staff of Urmia university

2 Director of the Department of Food Science and Industry, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University

3 Assistant Professor of Food Science and Industry, Agricultural Engineering and Technical Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Karaj, Iran



The aim of the present research is to maintain quantitative and qualitative properties, including vitamins and additional moist phenolic compounds during storage. Mazafati dates was treated at five levels with chitosan extract of 4000 ppm thyme, chitosan with thyme extract of 6000 ppm zein with 1000 ppm clove extract and using ozone gas . After packaging, Date samples were stored in a cold room under completely hygienic conditions. The tests of each treatment (including vitamin B2 and B3, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant activity) were performed every two months on three replicates. Result showed very low level of vitamin B3 in Mazafati dates, so in the calculations, the vitamin B3 was considered to be zero. The highest amount of vitamin B2 in the treated samples, was related to ozone treatment after 6 months storage and chitosan + thyme 4000 ppm after 4 months storage. In most treatments, the storage time partially increased the amount of vitamin B2. The amount of riboflavin in date varieties was between 0.13 and 17.5. During the storage period, the edible layers and ozone gas had a positive effect on the protection of phenolic compounds. Based on the comparison of the average results, chitosan treatment + 4000 ppm thyme oil extract and chitosan + 6000 ppm thyme treatment showed high phenolic compounds six months after storage


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