Document Type : Research Paper


2- Assistant Professor, Department of social economic and Agricultural Promotion research, Hamedan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center. Hamedan, Iran.



Food waste is a serious challenge to the country's food security. The first step to reduce the losses of agricultural products is to identify the effective factors in the occurrence of losses. The contribution of various factors in the occurrence of potato losses as a basic product in ensuring the country's food security is widely distributed in the available reports. In this research, in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the role of factors influencing the occurrence of potato losses in storage, the meta-analysis method was used in order to gather the results of past studies based on the statistical method and obtain a reliable result. In data analysis, using OpenMEE and Stata software, the effect of factors such as temperature, humidity, type of storage ventilation, and method of germination control on weight loss and small waste of potatoes was investigated. The meta-analysis of the results of previous studies showed that according to Cohen's classification, 4 factors of temperature, relative humidity, ventilation, and germination control more than 73% of product losses in the warehouse with high and definite effectiveness. Accordingly, the deviation of temperature and relative humidity of the warehouse from the range of 3 degrees Celsius and 95%, respectively, affects potato losses in the warehouse with an increasing trend. Among these, the temperature factor has the greatest effect on potato losses in storage.


Main Subjects

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