Document Type : Research Paper





The conformity assessment process relies on measurement as the primary source of information. In any measurement, the obtained result always has uncertainty. pH measurement is one of the most important and common tests in food laboratories, since the first step in uncertainty estimation is to determine the mathematical model for measurement, and because in none of the test methods mentioned, in order to measure pH, unlike most other tests, mathematical models and formulas are used. There is no calculation. This test was selected for study. To estimate the measurement uncertainty, Qmsys GUM software was used. The result of the calculations performed by the software was compared with the response of the device. The mathematical model defined for the software calculated the pH value of the cake sample as 6.985, which was consistent with the number read by the pH meter and indicated that the mathematical model was correctly written. The expanded uncertainty level for the pH measurement test, at the 95.45% confidence level, was estimated as ±0.029, equivalent to ±0.42%, which is used in evaluating the conformity of the results.


Main Subjects

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